16 thoughts on “Dancing In The Rain

  1. Miel Abeille Reply

    Love umbrella boy! He is a darling, how lucky are you! Thanks for swinging by Miel et Lait. You have a great design here, I’m sure I’ll be back soon. šŸ™‚

  2. Kate Reply

    One, I’m super duper jealous of your blog design. I’m so ticked that I didn’t start out at wordpress! And I like the new layout–so much better than mine!!!

    Two, you’re umbrella man is super precious!!! šŸ˜‰

    • Maureen Post authorReply

      Aww thanks Kate, luckily I have Sharon from (http://www.goodtrueandbeautiful.com/) who’s been very helpful in helping me moved to my own hosting & help prepping the blog. Btw, check out her blog she can help you move too!

      Thank you! Btw, I wish I can find a plug in that will allow people to edit their comment *still looking*

    • Maureen Post authorReply

      Thanks Alicia (Lish!) I just made the header last night, still not 100% sure about it but I think for now they’re fine hahaha my eyes hurts from tweaking them.

    • Maureen Post authorReply

      Hi Jade, thank you!
      The sidebar works wonder! Thank you so much for sharing the code šŸ˜€

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