Listen To Me

I haven’t blog about it here but many many years ago, back when I was still in college I spent a couple of months behind the microphone. No, I’m not …

Not Picky, Just Careful

“It’s normal, dude! She’s twenty….(fill in the dots).” And that’s where I wish my face doesn’t turned green like those emoticon face on yahoo messenger. Every time a similar conversation …

Single Moms United

Honestly, I didn’t know what to expect when I walked into the designated room. It wasn’t a big room. It’s more like someone’s living room right next to an open …

Two Cultures, One Heart

In my nearly 5 years of being a mother to little dude, a lot has changed. A lot has influenced me in this whole journey of motherhood. From facing motherhood …

The D Word – A Stigma Story

  Last week, on my way home in one of my colleague’s car, another colleague teased him to date our other colleague. “Jendi!” (slang for divorcee/widower) was his immediate response. …