I’m slacking with this blog badly!
So what I’ve been up to lately that I haven’t even had much chance to stop by at your blogs?
OK, I’ve been going to so many job interviews here in the past couple of months that I seriously start to think I should be called a professional interview goers!
Because I left my old job – one that I held for only 3 days – because of a family emergency. You can read about it over at World Moms Blog post. I’ve been unemployed since then.
My focus has been finding a new job ever since but it hasn’t been easy. It’s been so damn hard and World Moms Blog allowed me to channel my frustrations at the whole scenes. Oh you have no idea how much I wanted to blasted these companies here that measured my capabilities and my skills as an executive secretary from how short my skirt will go. Or how sick I feel of being asked way too personal questions that totally got nothing to do with the job I was applying for.
It really has gotten so bad that I started having this attitude when I go into a job interview since then on. Mentally, I prepared to fend off and refuse to answer any more personal questions. I just had enough for the craps! And if I ended up not getting the job well, I don’t care anymore.
Strangely enough, armed with that attitude, I went to two big job interviews – granted they are international companies – so they are more professional and they never once asked me one of those uncomfortable questions such as “Why did you get divorce?”
Now, I’m happy to report that I had just accepted a job offer.
It will allows me to work from home – hey, working from home moms I’m gonna need some pointers! – and I couldn’t be more happier than this. Not only that this job have so much to offers for me in the long run, I will actually be exploring my passions professionally involving writing and social media.
There’s no more need for me to get up at 4:30 am every morning and make long commutes to and from work. There’s no need to feel guilty for getting home so late after a 12 hours working day and coming home to a sleeping child anymore.
I am beyond excited!
Oh and also, in case you haven’t see me spamming Twitter and Facebook asking for votes, Tatter Scoops has been nominated for Circle of Moms Top 25 Single Moms Blogs 2012. Which put my little blog among other fantastic single moms blogger out there in the blogosphere. Couldn’t be more proud and happier! Voting is very easy. Just go to the site (or click on the button bellow) and scroll down to find Tatter Scoops and click the Thumb Up Vote button and you’re all done. Voila! Easy peasy, isn’t? Voting will be open until 18 April 2012. I’d send you tons of virtual love and hugs if you do go and vote for me.

girl you’re gonna love not dealing with weirdos and having more time with your boy. my biggest suggestion is, set office hours. seriously. and stick to them! 4 hours of sleep stinks, take it from me!
got u covered on the voting!
Thanks V! That’s so true the office hours thing. I’m still struggling but hey it’s only been 2 days. Trying to impress my new boss with doing more than I should’ve took a toll on me but I’m glad we’re having a long weekend with Good Friday being a public holiday so I can rest and regroup for Monday.
Congratulations, I am so happy for you! I’m glad you didn’t take those jobs where they asked inappropriate questions – sounds like they would have been a pain once you worked there. Personal information is none of their business! So glad you got a WAHM job. I do that myself. My biggest challenge is setting boundaries so that I’m not working all morning and all night, as it seems I do that since I don’t always have a big block of time (just little bits here and there). But I have my daughter at home, so if your son is in school or in child care, then you should be able to get more done efficiently.
Thank you Maria 🙂 I am so so excited about this job.
Thank’s for sharing your own experience. I ended up working late too yesterday. I do find that it’s a bit hard to set the timers. My boy is in school – yes, I can work but once he’s home I have to sneak in some work or I waited until he went to sleep and I ended up working till late. Still have to master that part.
Congrats on finding a job, and good luck with the circle of moms!
Thank you Amberr 🙂
Ho-kay, so I voted and wish you the best of luck in that but most of all, good luck with the new job!! Couldn’t be more excited for you. The only advice I feel justified to give is, “be a fair boss” – to yourself of course.
You’re the best, Nami! Thanks, mama! That’s the hardest part – being my own boss at my own time. Yes, I do have a boss but they’re not here to watch me lol. Hopefully this new week will be easier to manage it all 😀
I’ve been working from home for over 3 years now. It is HARD. You have to be self motivated. You have to give yourself a schedule and stick to it as much as possible. You have to treat your working hours exactly the same as if you had to go into an office every day.
I’ll admit that at times, I am total hypocrite to my own advice. But then I pay for it dearly. And by pay for it, that usually means that I function on practically zero sleep.
Good luck!
then we have to meet Yen!!! 🙂 I am a working home mama as well 🙂 yukkkkkkk let’s make an appointment 🙂 really happy things are working out for you. Hope your mom already healthy as well. been really long time under all these financial papers which made me not even able to blogwalking anumore…just fb 🙂
Congratulations, Maureen! I am soo happy for you! I just voted for you on Circle of Moms, by the way. I hope you win because you really deserve it! 🙂