Tentang Healing Journey

“Mbak, bagaimana menurut Mbak tentang healing journey?” Hmm… Berat ya, Bun pertanyaannya hahaha. Okay, mari kita jadikan blog post saja. Berhubung sudah berdebu blog ini dan ternyata udah hampir 2 …

On Playing Victim

Ladies, let’s take some time to talk about this phenomenon…about this mentality. Yes, it’s about the ugly truth of playing victim. On Playing Victim I get it, your heart is …

My Wish For You

[disclaim]Versi Bahasa Indonesianya bisa dibaca di sini.[/disclaim] Writing the hard stuff is never easy… Yet I know well enough by now that my writing always help me heal, published or …

Final Pieces

It was time… I’ve held back long enough and the time had finally arrived. So I opened that small drawer in my closet. Had to dig, took a few things …

On Grieving

photo credit: fallingwater123 The reactions I’ve been getting about my coming-out-post from friends both in real life and online has been overwhelmingly beautiful that I’m still feeling speechless. Again, I …