On Taking A Break

It’s that time of the year again…where Jakarta’s roads would breathe a little easier as millions of Jakartans went on their yearly exodus to their hometown to celebrate the end …

The D Word – A Stigma Story

  Last week, on my way home in one of my colleague’s car, another colleague teased him to date our other colleague. “Jendi!” (slang for divorcee/widower) was his immediate response. …

Stay At Home Mom No More

photo credit: lett -/= After more than six months and countless of interviews later…I finally got a job. I feel truly blessed with this job and I just knew I …

Please, Don’t Touch!

Before I became a mother, I’ve heard from my mom that most of those expats where I grew up do not like people touching their babies. With my naive thoughts, …

Commercial Audition

Lil’ A had his first ever commercial audition for children’s formula yesterday. It all started when he was spotted by a Talent Agent while we were browsing at one of …