Surviving The First Month

Yes, I had survived the first month of being a full time working outside the home mom! Being back in the corporate world especially here in Jakarta after months of rejections, sure feels damn good!

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life” – said Confucius

That maybe have some truth in them because I love what I’m doing now, it’s high paced but also enjoyable. I still have much to learn from the other girl Miss F who’s been kind enough to let me ask her tons of questions. Numbers confused me – except for cash that is – and working with so many different assigned job numbers still got me a bit confused but Miss F has been so patience and allows me to double check the numbers like a gazillion times.

Miss F and I would giggled like two school girls on some days that when our boss walked by he would look at us with such a suspicious look on his face that only makes us giggled even more. Both of us would just laugh the stress out which is pretty cool because what else can you do?

I’m loving my job, that’s for sure!

On the home front, Lil’ A has adjusted quite well and stop acting out. His pre-K schedule has been postponed until early of January (school is moving to a new bigger place).

He came to picked me up at work last Saturday, but of course he was too shy but thanks goodness he’s over the I-will-scream-to-every-strangers-trying-to-talk-to-me phase. He hid his face while the ladies at work hovered and tried to grab his attentions.Ā  My boy is shy what can I say…lets hope by starting pre-K he would nip this shyness in the butt for good.

The boy would still try to pry open my eyes if I fall asleep before he does, which is cute but oh it’s so darn hard to keep my eyes open at night. His hugs and kisses and “I love you, Mommy!” is what keeps me going.

On another side, I am honored to be featured alongside many already great established blogger/websites on this months’ issue of Indonesia Parenting Magazine (yes, just like the Parenting Mag back in the States but this one is the Indonesian franchise of it). That piece further opened up about my status and revealed its way to some people at work.

One positive thing is I found out that one of our IT guy is actually the founder of Indonesia Single Parent Group and had invited me to joined their mailing list.

Working has proofed to be a great ‘medicine’ for my situation…it fills up my days a lot quicker, occupies my mind and kicking those yucky feelings to the curb. Yes, there are still moments when those thoughts crossed my mind but not as often as before. Working has given me a great ‘escape’ that I desperately needed besides the obvious of giving Lil’ A a better future.

That much anticipated trip to Rote island has been postponed due to all the catastrophic tragedies in Indonesia recently. I’m disappointed of course but I think it was a wise decision from the tour coordinator. We’ll be going sometimes next year instead.Ā  Our Bangkok trip has been booked for end of April 2011 – only 5 months away – my two brothers will be going along with me and Lil’ A. Can’t wait!

Hope you guys are all doing well!

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29 thoughts on “Surviving The First Month

  1. vanita Reply

    congrats on getting through the first month. so happy to hear you’re loving it. damian does that prying my eyes open thing too. it’s cute, but really bloody annoying when i’m dying for sleep. you gotta love the kid’s persistence though!

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  3. Booyah's Momma Reply

    Hooray for getting through the first month! It can be hard making that transition back to work, but sounds like you and Lil A are making it work beautifully. Hugs to you, momma!

    • Maureen Post authorReply

      Thanks, girl! I guess times does fly by when you’re enjoying what you’re doing. It gets better now, some days Lil’ A will welcome me with a hug while some days he was too busy playing LOL. Hugs you back!

  4. Sylvia, Jake and Matt Reply

    Glad to hear that you like your new job. I am sure your boy would not be that shy anymore once he’s accustomed to your co-workers and your workplace. Nothing would make a working mom happier than to see her lil’ boy picking her up from work.

    • Maureen Post authorReply

      Oh so true, Sylvia! Just love seeing him at my work. Hopefully soon he won’t be that shy anymore. Thanks ya Bu! šŸ˜€

  5. Jessica Reply

    I’m happy that things are working out for you! And, congratulations on your being featured in the Indonesian Parenting magazine. That’s fabulous! You deserve it girl! Keep up the great work.


    • Maureen Post authorReply

      Thank you so much, Jessica! Things are definitely looking up for me. It would only get better šŸ˜€

  6. Heidi Reply

    Oyen, I’m so happy to hear that you love your new job and everything goes well in your life. That upcoming Bangkok trip sounds really exciting!

    • Maureen Post authorReply

      Thanks, Heidi! I really can’t wait to explore a little bit of Bangkok next year. Things are going great in my life right now šŸ˜€

  7. Erita Reply

    Way to go Oyen. Everything is going to get better and better. And remember, we the working moms ROCK!!!!

  8. Aprianti Reply

    Keep moving, keep going, then everything will be better and better before we know it. Your experience is inspirational. šŸ™‚

  9. Asta Reply

    Yippee .. I just got the magazine, can’t wait to read the part in which you’re featured later after hour. *dancing happily*. And .. congrats for getting back to work! šŸ˜€ Hugs ..

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