My Sensitive Child

When he was a baby, he would cry if someone tried to hold him and it’s not me, his father or his half brothers. I just thought it’s because we …

On Letting Go

That day has come… Where I nervously pack his bag…pick which shirt and short to wear… The day I was swept by mixture of emotions (maybe) only mothers can truly …

Weaving Memories

“I’m dreaming of a white Christmas…just like the one I used to have…” Bing Crosby tender voice fills the room…my family’s artificial Christmas tree light up beautifully. My mind flew …

Surviving The First Month

Yes, I had survived the first month of being a full time working outside the home mom! Being back in the corporate world especially here in Jakarta after months of …

Stay At Home Mom No More

photo credit: lett -/= After more than six months and countless of interviews later…I finally got a job. I feel truly blessed with this job and I just knew I …