Have seen this meme around for awhile but this is my first time joining in.
So here it goes…
You know you’re a mom when:
- There’s a little person who will scream their heads off saying, demanding “Mommy, fix it!” continuously even after you begged them to wait until Daddy is home 0r any male figure shows up. Yeah, like that will ever work! So you tried to do everything humanly possible to fix the darn train track, car, robot – and the list goes on…
- There’s a little person that expect you to know how to put up such a complicated Hot Wheels track that Grandma just bought for her beloved grandson even when the box clearly marked 5 years+…
- There’s a little person that doesn’t care if you haven’t wash your hair for 2-3 days (3 days is my limit!) or have any make-up on…they’d still attacked you with their big bear hugs and you love every minute of it.
- There’s a little person who will expect you to play roughhousing with him after Daddy has been out of town for a few days even when your aunt flo is in town and your back feels like breaking.
- There’s a little person who can’t stop talking so you asked him “Whose kid is this?” and then you were hit with the realization that he talks just as much as you do.
- There’s a little person who’s been in training to say his parents’ name correctly and when asked “What’s your Mommy’s name” will answer “Mommy Lil’ A!”
- There’s a little person that will demand you to decipher “That…that…that uuh uuh train!” when he wanted to watch The Polar Express! And you proudly put the right movie on when the whole house had no idea what movie your Little Master wants to watch.
- There’s a little person that still manage to expose your boobs to the world whenever you wear a bit of a low cut and happened to be holding him!
Join the fun at Arizona Mama
You know you have a little person when you have mysterious spots all over your clothes. You spend half the day removing it and the other half figuring out what it is.
Hahahaha so true!
Good post! I totally get the boob thing, Piglet has flashed mine so many times I don’t even get embarressed now!
LOL how true! Babies can stripped humility of mommy’s boobs to the minimum. Thanks hun!
Whoops! Obviously I mean embarrassed – bad typing day 🙂
The one about all the talking had me cracking up! I just told hubby the other day “Man, that kid talks a lot!” and hubby said back to me “Yeah, I can’t imagine where he gets it from!”.
The boob one is SO true…it’s like their little hands are magnets for pulling down shirts or something!
LOL, Natalie yeah my hubby basically said the same thing too! The chatter box does took after his Mommy. Oh totally…and those little hands always flash their mommies to the world at the most inappropriate times.
Yep I have a big problem with that last one too! He seems to be completely oblivious to the shirt grabbing & how it affects my modesty!!!
LOL isn’t amazing what these kiddos can do to our modesty? 😀
You captured the essence of it all!!! Dont you LOVE when Grandma buys age inappropriate toys? LOL.
LOL Gigi! My mom does that all the time, she sees something she thought her grandson might like she’ll try to buy them and I tried to stop her most of the times but when I’m not with her while she’s out shopping then yeah…gotta LOVE the things she came home with!
Not that I have much to show, but I can totally relate to little hands pulling down tops! And I never get when people buy kids toys that clearly are not age appropriate.
LOL, Liz…’much to show’ or not…it’s still can get very embarrassing when we flash the world. Some toys here especially the cheaply made one totally doesn’t have any age limit signs and sometimes my Mom just doesn’t even bother to read the signs. Imagine giving a hotwheels track to a 3 years old? Yeah, I have a headache because of that! LOL!
Great list! It made me giggle! I can’t wait until I am a mommy one day!
LOL thanks Caity, I’m sure you’ll come up with fun list of how your life will change 😉
All so true!!! Great post! And the boob thing, well…I have a story, so embarrassing!
You should share your story, girl! 😀 Thanks for stopping by!
Oh I had my youngest do the whole boob thing to me recently. I was mortified but thankfully I dont think anyone really saw. Whew!
Hahaha Tina, mine flash me when I was in a bank and it was on Monday where they’re the busiest. Go figure LOL.